*** Click in upper left corner to close window *** The cloud that is to become a star consists mostly of hydrogen mixed with dust. Astronomers believe some of the hydrogen and dust comes from old stars. The cloud may include the remains of a star that exploded, or it may be a collection of gases thrown from the surface of rotating stars. The first step in the formation of a new star is the contraction of part of an interstellar cloud into a ball. Astronomers have never watched a new star flash into life. But they have discovered several dark, ball-like interstellar clouds that may be new stars beginning to take shape. Through millions of years, the cloud of gas and dust contracts as gravity pulls it together. As the material pulls together into a ball, the pressure of the gas increases. The gas at the center of the ball becomes extremely hot. When the temperature at the center reaches about 2,000,000ø F. (1,100,000ø C), the nuclear fusion reaction begins. The hydrogen in the center begins to change into helium and to produce great amounts of nuclear energy. This energy heats the gas that surrounds the center. The gas begins to shine--and a star has come to life. The kind of star that takes shape depends on the mass of the contracting cloud. A cloud with a mass about 1/20 that of the sun becomes a red, low-luminosity main-sequence star. A cloud with a mass about 50 times that of the sun becomes a blue, high luminosity, main-sequence star. After a star begins to shine, it starts to change slowly. The speed of its change depends on how rapidly the nuclear energy-producing process takes place inside it. The speed of this process, in turn, depends on the mass of the star. The greater a star's mass, the higher its luminosity and temperature--and the faster it changes. Stars with a mass about 10 times that of the sun take a few million years to change. Smaller stars with a mass about 1/10 that of the sun take hundreds of billions of years to change. A star changes because its supply of hydrogen decreases. The star's center contracts, and the temperature and pressure at the center rise. At the same time, the temperature of the outer part gradually drops. The star expands greatly and becomes a red giant. What happens after a star's red giant phase depends on how much mass the star contains. A star with about the same mass as the sun throws off its outer layers, which can be seen as a glowing gas shell called a planetary nebula. The core that is left behind cools and becomes a white dwarf. A star with more than about three times the mass of the sun becomes a super giant. Elements as heavy as iron are formed inside the star, which then explodes into a supernova. If less than three times the mass of the sun remains after the supernova explosion, it becomes a neutron star. If more than three times the mass of the sun remains, the star collapses and forms an invisible object called a black hole. A black hole has so much gravitational force that not even light can escape from it.